
Production, step by step

The mining of Kolmård-marble


Mining of Kolmård-marble

The stone varieties Kolmården OXL and Kolmården OX are both from Oxåker, Kolmården. The venation character depends on the direction in which the stone is cut. Kolmården is one of the hardest marble varieties. The marble is a metamorphic, transformed carbonate rock. It has through millions of years of pressure and temperature influence, transformed so that it received an overall crystalline structure. With a large diamond blade, and cable with diamond segments, the stone is cut into blocks out of the quarry. A unique sawing technique makes it possible to cut thin slabs directly from the rock.

The mining of Borghamn-limestone


Mining of Borghamn-limestone

Borghamn Limestone is mined in Borghamn, Östergötland, not far from the lake Vättern. Limestone is a sedimentary rock with a clear, horizontal stratification which wich is exploited when mining. The two color varieties light grey and grey-brown is mined at different levels of the quarry. The mining is done with a great circular saw. Cutting depth is ajusted to the natural cleavage (horizontal layers) in the rock. The rock is divided into blocks of size suitable for further processing.


Our production facility in Borghamn are flexible and customized. Whether it's thin plates in a standard format or skilled masonry work, Borghamns Stenförädling AB is your natural partner. Our modern slipline is an important step in the rational production of polished tiles.



We also have skilled stonemasons with years of experience. Their work can be found in everything from restoration projects to ornamentation and detail in the home.


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En film som visar stegen i vår produktion, från råmaterial till färdig produkt.


Bänkskiva i Borghamnskalksten

Ett naturligt inslag i dubbel bemärkelse – det bistår en bänkskiva med Borghamnskalksten med till just ditt kök. Med en oslagbar slit...

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Lyft köket - bänkskiva i Kol...

Att addera detaljer av natursten kan göra underverk för ditt kök. Med en bänkskiva av Kolmårdsmarmor adderar du en naturlig glans &nda...

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Borghamnskalksten – ett hål...

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